After my trip to Vegas I got some really sad news. Karlee's kindergarten teacher, Mrs. Turley passed away over the weekend. She was having some headaches and very tired but she was a mother of five and working full time. She thought the headaches were from the heat. Well she admitted to the hospital on Thursday May 7 and was diagnosed with leukemia. She was told it was treatable so they started treatment and her body had a reaction to it and her organs failed. She was put in ICU, and died on Saturday May 16th. She was only 39. The principal called all the families so the kids would know before they got to school. Karlee had so many different questions than when my Aunt Sandy died. She wanted to know how you caught Cancer, and then pointed out that she was 39 and I am 31. I was very sad for her and just explained that she is with Heavenly Father and he Loves her and will take care of her. She was also concerned about her kids. All I could say was Heavenly Father will take care of them. I am grateful that she was in Karlee's life. She was a great teacher and she will be missed. I wish that I had got a picture of her earlier in the year, but I was procrastinating until graduation. I am more grateful to be with my family everyday. I am striving to live each day better.
That is awful sad. I don't even like to think about kids growing up without their mama. It does make you stop and think about how each day is a gift.
On a different note. you know you always have a place to stay in Vegas, but I could never compete with vacation Bob. That guy sounds awesome!
Oh Penny, that is so sad. I will be praying for your little one and also the family of her teacher. I am so sorry.
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