I have been much enlightened this past week. You may or may not have heard of the red dot theory, but I was very grateful to be let in on this little secret. It seems that when your kids lie to you a red dot appears on their head that only moms and dads can see. Karlee was overhearing the conversation I was having with the other mom who let me in on this secret, and she was very concerned. She asked me if it was true and I quickly told her, " I didn't know what it was, but I had noticed something." It has totally changed my life. when I know they are fibbing, I just have to look at them and they start laughing. Cole doesn't get it as much as Karlee but it still works wonders. The best story I have is I was driving Karlee home from dance when she very enthusiastically tells me,"Mom! I did a back bend from standing up all by myself with no spotter!" I said "really?" as I turned back she quickly covered her forehead so I couldn't see the red dot and says, "Ya, I really did I promise." All I could do was laugh and then she laughed. It was so funny.
What a great idea. I think we may have to give that one a go! What a neat thing letting the balloons go was. Such a sad deal.
Saw your phone number today in my address book and thought...we need to get together! Let's do something this summer? Maybe you, me, and Kenyon can go swimming with the kids?
P.S. I'll have to use this little story on Hailey!
That is so funny! Your kiddos are a hoot! This is some good info though I need to learn as much as I can :)
Oh that little Karlee- I didn't get enough time with her! Thank you for taking the pictures and i can't wait to see them! Miss you already!
Oh yes Ape uses this method! :) It was so good to see you Mon. I look forward to our Monday movie days it was actually pretty fun!
I Was wondering where you heard about this red dot theory. I see them after im trying to justify an unjustifiable action. I also see a white flash dots after thinking of something like a great idea or revelation? thanks -Mikey
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