So Karlee had her Dance recital. It was quite the long day. She had so much fun. There were 2 shows and she was in both matinee & evening. the only difference for her was she did her ballet routine in the matinee show. She was in 5 dances in the matinee and 4 in the evening. She was so cute. I know I am a little bias, but she was. anyway, we were there from 12:00 to 10:00pm with a little break in between. You would think that she would have be exhausted, but she was bouncing off the wall. She kept telling me how sad she was that she was only in 4 dances. what a nut. I think she really loved being backstage too. I ran back to help her a few times, and she was having a great time watching everyone behind the scenes. The best part of both shows in my opinion was the DADS DANCE and yes Jeff participated. Him and Guy were very reluctant, but in the end they stole the show. Way to go boys we are very proud of you. Karlee thought it was pretty great too! She had lots of people who love her come and support her. Thanks everyone! Great job Karlee we are very proud of you!
Oh so cute! All that dancing is making karlee so skinny! I'm lovin Jeff's face in the dad's dance- classic!
Oh!! It makes me sad that we weren't there!! She looked so cute!! I miss it! I miss seeing all you guys!! Are you doing tryouts?
I can't wait to put Ty in dance! So much fun! What a great dad for Jeff to participate!
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