Friday, September 30, 2011

Karlees Baptism

WOW...I cant believe that my little girl is getting baptised. What a special and very stressful day. I wish that there was a course to take before so the first born doesn't have to be the trial run for everything. Jeff took her down to the church cause of course it was the first baptism so she had to be there at 8am and Karlee is not a morning person to say the least. So he took her down while I got the boys ready and set up for the luncheon. I got there a little early to take pictures and stuff but i feel so bad that i wasn't there to help her with her baptism get up. O well i guess we live and learn. It was a very nice baptism and confirmation although I wish that they were individual and not stake. We then had a lunch at the house and then a nap!!!

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